Applications and/or Nominations for RVA Board of Directors
he Ross Volunteer Association (RVA) is currently accepting applications and/or nominations for volunteer service on the RVA Board of Directors for expected vacancies beginning January 1, 2025. Board members will typically serve up to (but no more than) three consecutive one-year terms as voting members of the Board. This can be followed by service of one year as President Elect, one year as President and one final year as Past President. Each of these three leadership offices are voting positions. Total time as a voting Board member could be up to six years.
Applications and nominations must be received by the RVA no later than May 31, 2024.
Each application or nomination must include:
A personal letter addressed to the RVA Nominating Committee of no more than one page;
A resume, curriculum vitae (CV) or Linkedin profile in pdf format;
A letter of recommendation (optional) from a current RVA Member or an RV who is not an RVA Member. Recommendation letters should be addressed to the RVA Nominating Committee and submitted by the person making the recommendation directly to the RVA at the mailing address below.
Applications or nominations should be submitted by mail to:
Ross Volunteer Association
P.O. Box 12066
College Station, TX 77842
The Ross Volunteer Association is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible and eligible for corporate matching gifts.