Fall 2021 Issue
Summer Social Brings RVA Back Together

The RVA's Sipping Suds with RV Buds social was held on Saturday, July 24 in College Station at Gate 12 Bar & Grill. This was our first event since the fall of 2019, and it was obvious our members were ready to gather again as we had a crowd of 115 RVs and guests in attendance. Thanks to all who came out to enjoy cold beverages, great eats, good bull stories, and awesome views of aircraft take offs and landings. Click HERE to view more photos from the event.
RV Company Inducts the Class of 2023
The RVA congratulates the newest members of the RV Company listed below! These 72 junior cadets were selected for demonstrating excellence in academics, conduct, character, and leadership. The Induction Banquet for the RV Class of 2023 was held on Monday, September 27, 2021. Tyson Voelkel '96, President/CEO of the Texas A&M Foundation and a former RV, served as guest speaker. RV Commander Ty Sanders '22 and his staff issued the RV oath and presented certificates and cords to each inductee. Members of the RVA were present to welcome these new RVs and proudly support them in their pledge to serve and represent the Corps of Cadets and the University in an exceptional manner. Click HERE to view more photos from the event.
2021 RVA Fall Meeting & Duncan Brunch

On Sunday, October 24, over 110 former and current RVs gathered in Aggieland for the 2021 RVA Fall Meeting & Duncan Brunch. The group enjoyed fellowship and Duncan chow followed by a business update from RVA President Jim Richards '69. Jim thanked the current RVA Board, Committee Chairs, and Class Representatives for their service to the organization, and then he called on those present to affirm the nomination of new board members. Those elected to begin service on the board in 2022 under the leadership of rising RVA President Mark Johnson '78 are Mike Weynand '72 as President Elect, Jim McAdams '72 as Director, and Tom Owen '76 as Director. Jim also recognized the RVA's 4 Saber & Sash Society members (present was Bobby Smith '58), and presented a Life Member plaque and lapel pin to new Life Member Pat Patterson '62. RV Commander Ty Sanders '22 gave a briefing on RV Company activities and former US Representative Bill Flores '76 shared some timely words as guest speaker. We wrapped up the event with an RVA cap give-away to the former RV who traveled the farthest to be with us (Don Lazo '78 from Chehalis, WA) and the current RV whose hometown was the farthest from College Station (Jack Bolick '23 from Temuco, Chile). The RV Class of '78 earned bragging rights for having the most in attendance! For a complete album of event photos, click HERE.
Thank You Loyal Members!
Time to Renew RVA Membership for 2022
The RVA wishes to thank our loyal members who made a contribution to the RVA in 2021. The 2021 RVA Donation Publication List has been compiled and can be downloaded for viewing HERE. We also appreciate all those who have already joined or renewed their RVA membership for 2022 in response to our membership renewal mailing! If your membership is not current, we ask you to consider a membership gift to the RVA as part of your annual charitable giving. You can check your membership status by logging in to your account on our website at www.rvassociation.org. RVA membership starts at $50 a year, with several membership levels to choose from. You can easily join or renew online, or download a membership form for mailing, using the buttons below.
Join or Renew for 2022
Download PDF Membership Form
Is Your RVA Website Profile Up to Date?
Every former and current RV has a profile on our website. Your profile is tied to the same email this newsletter was sent to. If you haven't logged in yet, or can't find your password, please utilize the Forgot Password option at the login screen. Below is a tutorial page on how to update your profile and keep your contact information current. Click on the image to enlarge.

Tax Talk: Reduce Taxes on Your RMD by Making a QCD to the RVA
All of those acronyms can be confusing, but this tax saving strategy is as simple as it gets! Most retirement plans (Traditional IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, 401(k) plans, 403(b) plans, 457(b) plans, profit sharing plans) are subject to Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) beginning in the year in which you reach age 72. When your RMD is sent directly to you, the funds are taxed as ordinary income. However, distributions from your retirement plan made directly to a charity are not taxed. Beginning at age 70 1/2 and older, you can donate a portion or all of your RMD, not to exceed $100,000, to a Qualified Charitable Organization, such as the Ross Volunteer Association, and reduce your tax liability. Now that's a win-win situation! This tax saving strategy would be a great way to become an RVA Life Member or to make your annual membership donation to the RVA. We encourage you to consult with your tax advisor for more information on making a tax free RMD contribution to a qualified charity.

Message from the RV Commander
Howdy! My name is Ty Sanders '22 and I was selected to be the Ross Volunteer Commander for 2021-2022. The year is going well and we have been very pleased with the Ross Volunteer Class of '23 and their performance up to this point. We have participated in several high profile events such as The Association of Former Students Distinguished Alumni Gala, the Houston Consular Ball, and an event supporting the Texas A&M Foundation. The RVs at these events did an amazing job and represented the Company in an exceptional manner. Unfortunately, we have had to conduct three Silver Taps to honor ten Aggies who passed away this year. As the spring semester approaches, we have several awsome events to look forward to. We are planning to return to campus early after winter break for two-a-days in order to prepare for the Conroe Go Texan Parade and Mardi Gras. We can not thank y'all enough for the support you provide to the Ross Volunteer Company. I truly mean this when I say we could not do the things we do without the support of the RVA!
(Click HERE to view the RV Company Calendar of Upcoming Events)
Class of 2023 RV Weapons Run
"Let's go runnin'!" On Monday, October 4, the newly inducted RVs did a little running, along with various other forms of motivational PT, to earn their ascots and weapons. Pictures tell this story best so click on the photo below to view an album from the 2021 Weapons Run.

Gotta' Little History for Ya', RVs!
RV Company Historian Erin Gustafson '22 is interested in identifying the origins of RV platoon slogans (Trees-Real Bad, Meatballs-Ow Ow, and Squats-Ah-Ha!). If you have information on the "who, what, when, where, why, and how" these slogans came about, send us an email at rva@corpsofcadets.org. To celebrate our shared RV history, we plan to reach into the archives and bring some stories from our RV past into the present and feature them in future newsletters. To get us started, James Willbanks '69 has written and submitted an historic overview of the Ross Volunteer Company. Click HERE to download and view the article. If you have a specific RV history question you would like answered in a future article, please send your idea our way via email to rva@corpsofcadets.org.

The Ross Volunteer Association