Fall / Winter 2023 Issue
Hut-Ho Ho Ho! Christmas Parade Was a 'Go'

On Saturday, December 2, the Ross Volunteer Company took part in the inaugural College Station Christmas Parade which stepped off at 3:30pm near Post Oak Mall and followed a route to College Station's Central Park. The Aggie Band, Fish Drill Team, and PMC also represented the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets in this first College Station Christmas Parade! Plans for this new parade were initiated after it was announced the BCS Christmas Parade, a 93 year community tradition, was to be canceled. New medians installed on Texas Avenue caused logistical challenges for the BCS parade. (Photos courtesy of Meredith Seaver '17 with The Eagle.)
2024 RVA Membership Drive is Underway

Check your snail mail! You should have recently received 2024 RVA membership information in your mailbox. If you have not received it, please visit the RVA website, log in, and make sure we have your current mailing address in our database. (Scroll down in this newsletter for instructions on updating contact information online.)
RVA membership starts at $50 a year, with several membership levels to choose from. You can easily join or renew online, or download a membership form for mailing, using the buttons below. To put your membership on "auto pilot" select the auto renew feature when joining or renewing online.
RVA membership donations are tax deductible and eligible for matching gifts. For those required to take an RMD from an IRA, you might speak with your financial advisor/tax accountant about the tax benefit of making a direct qualified charitable distribution (QCD) to the RVA for your annual membership donation to satisfy a portion of your RMD (refer to the graphic below).
We are grateful to our loyal members for their generous contributions to the RVA in 2023. We also appreciate all those who have already joined or renewed their RVA membership for 2024. If your membership is not current, we ask you to consider a membership gift to the RVA as part of your annual charitable giving.
Join or Renew for 2024
Download PDF Membership Form

Give the Gift of Membership to an RV Buddy
The RVA recently launched a new Sponsor an RV Buddy Initiative. This program was introduced in the 2024 RVA Membership Drive mailing. To learn about this opportunity to share your RVA experience with a buddy who is not yet a member, click HERE. This sponsorship initiative is now available to process online, or you may download a sponsorship form for mailing on the linked page.
It's a Wonderful Life Membership
As you prepare to renew your RVA membership for 2024, we encourage those of you who are not RVA Life Members to give consideration to joining the ranks of the RVA Life Member Platoon. If you are in a position to give at this level, we invite you to join those RVs in your class who have already done so! The number of RVA Life Members by Class Year and decade appears below. (Click on the image to enlarge.)

Life Membership can be attained with a donation of $5,000 made over a 5 year period. If you would like to become a Life Member in 2024, you will be given credit for your past 4 years of giving toward the $5,000 amount to determine the remaining balance due by December 31, 2024. Or you may indicate your intent to pledge life membership in 2024 and give installment donations over the next 5 consecutive years or less totaling $5,000. Inquiries regarding Life Membership can be directed to RVA Membership Chair Noel Bradford '89 at rva@corpsofcadets.org.

BIG Turnout for RVA Fall Event in October
We had an awesome turnout for the RVA Fall Event on Sunday, October 29 in Aggieland! Close to 140 current and former RVs and guests enjoyed this annual opportunity to gather in Duncan Dining Hall, share a meal, and hear news and updates on the Corps, the RV Company, and the RVA. Thanks & Gig 'em to our guest speaker Commandant BG Patrick Michaelis '93 for sharing a quiz-file full of intel on the state of the Corps. Attendees heard firsthand about several new initiatives already in place, as well as many in the pipeline, that will guide the Corps forward on its March to 3,000.
After Q&A with BG Michaelis, RV Commander Adam Paris '24 briefed the group on the Company's activities and then RVA President Mark Johnson '78 conducted a brief RVA business meeting. New RVs from the Class of '25 were officially welcomed followed by RVA Board elections. New RVA Life Member Erik Ebanks '10 was recognized and received his plaque and lapel pin after which RVA Past President Jim Richards '69 was recognized for his selfless and tireless service to the RVA by being honored as the first inductee into the RVA Honor Platoon. Door prize drawings added a final touch of fun to wrap up the event. Thanks to all who attended this annual RVA gathering! To view a photo album from the event, click HERE.
RVA Spring Event Planned for May 18
Save the date and plan to join us for the 2024 RVA Spring Event on Saturday, May 18 in College Station. Details on venue and time will be announced in early 2024. This event is normally held during the months of March or April, but we are pushing it out to May this year due to spring semester scheduling conflicts. Because of this scheduling change, we will not hold a Houston Social in May as originally planned. Instead it is our hope that former RVs in the Houston area will head to College Station in full force to take part in in this opportunity to gather with fellow RVs.

RVA Hosted Fort Worth Social in August

DFW area RVs gathered at the Texas A&M School of Law in downtown Fort Worth on Saturday, August 5 from 11am to 1pm. While sharing in camaraderie, attendees were treated to a complimentary lunch, an update on RVA business, and a message from the very dynamic and engaging Robert B. Ahdieh, Dean of the Texas A&M School of Law. Thanks to all who joined us for this event! To view more photos from the RVA Fort Worth Social, click HERE.
New Contact Info? Update Your RVA Profile
In just 3 easy steps you can update your contact information online and help us improve our communications. Your RVA online profile is tied to the same email address this newsletter was sent to, and that email address is also your RVA website username. Log in at rvassociaiton.org and get up to date! (Click on the image below to enlarge.)

RV Company Inducts Class of 2025
The newest members of the RV Company were inducted on Monday, September 25, 2023. RV Company Commander Adam Paris '24 and his staff administered the RV oath and presented cords to 72 outstanding cadets from the Class of 2025. The keynote speaker for this year's Induction Banquet was Aggie author, historian, and former RV John Adams, Jr. '73. The RVA is proud to support these new RVs in their pledge to serve and represent the Corps of Cadets and the University. Click HERE to view more Induction Banquet photos.

Weapons Run Tradition Continues
Weapons Run was held on Monday, October 2, 2023. From what we understand, some running and a little perspiring might have been involved! It's an RV right of passage that's best shared through photos. Click HERE to view more pics and go runnin' dowm memory lane!

Do a Little Holiday Shopping for Yourself!!!
The RVA Store is Just a Click Away . . . .

Happy New Year! Looking Forward to 2024!

The Ross Volunteer Association