Spring 2020 Issue

Have You Renewed Your Membership for 2020?
The RVA wishes to thank our loyal donors who have joined or renewed their RVA membership for 2020! If your membership is not current, we ask you to consider a membership gift to the RVA a part of your annual charitable giving. You can check your membership status by logging in to your account on our website at www.rvassociation.org. RVA membership starts at $50 a year, with several membership levels to choose from. You can easily join or renew online, or download a membership form for mailing, using the buttons below.

Give Us Your Feedback
Please take a few minutes to fill out our 10 question RVA Spring Survey. Your responses will help us better meet your needs as Ross Volunteers and members of the RVA. Thank you in advance!

Update Your RVA Profile
Every former and current RV has a profile in our new website. Your profile is tied to the same email this newsletter was sent to. If you haven't logged in yet or can't find password, please utilize the Forgot Password option at the login screen.
We've attached a quick one-pager on how to update your profile and contact information to allow us to reach you better. Click to enlarge.

RVA 10 Year Celebration & Summer Socials
The Ross Volunteer Association had to postpone the RVA 10 Year Celebration originally scheduled for March 21 due to COVID-19 guidance and actions taken at the federal, state, and university levels restricting large group gatherings. The RVA plans to reschedule the celebration in conjunction with the Fall Event which will take place on Sunday, November 8 during Rally to the Guidons weekend.
Plans for RVA 2020 Summer Socials in Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio are also currently on hold. If you live in one of these areas, look for an email within the next month to assess level of interest and to request your input on future scheduling.
Please monitor the RVA Website for updates!
Aggies across the world celebrated our most sacred tradition of Muster and shared a "virtual camaraderie" with our Aggie family. Aggies were able to view local A&M Club Muster ceremonies throughout the day, as well as the Campus Muster ceremony, through links provided on The Association of Former Students website. These Muster videos are still available for viewing at https://musterlive.aggienetwork.com/. Shown below are a few photos of the Ross Volunteers participating in the Campus Muster at Reed Arena.

Congrats to the Class of 2021 RV Leadership!
The RV Company's official Change of Command would have taken place during the Family Weekend performance in April, with the Class of 2020 handing over leadership to the Class of 2021. Although Family Weekend was canceled, a "virtual" Change of Command placed the Company in very capable hands! The RVA wishes all the best to the Class of 2020 and congratulates the rising Class of 2021 RV Company leadership listed below (click to enlarge). Unfortunately, this marked the second year in a row the RV Company was not able to perform during Family Weekend (2019 was canceled due to inclement weather). To honor the legacy of the infamous Ripple Line, click on this link to view the last time it was performed at Family Weekend in 2018.

Outgoing RV Commander Featured in Texas A&M Foundation News
Outgoing RV Commander Micah Tardy '20 shared the message below as part of a "What Texas A&M Meant to Me" digital news feature published by the Texas A&M Foundation. While at A&M, Micah also served as a Maroon Coat with the Foundation. The RVA is extremely grateful for Micah's leadership and wishes him all the best as he begins both law school at SMU and service in the Army National Guard.
You can enlarge the message for reading by clicking on the image below:

RV Company at Mardi Gras
Continuing a 70 year tradition, the Ross Volunteer Company made its annual trip to New Orleans to lead off the Rex Parade on Tuesday, February 25 as a part of the 2020 Mardi Gras festivities. The RVA salutes the RV Company for carrying on this proud legacy, and for serving as outstanding representatives of the Corps of Cadets and Texas A&M University! A complete album of photos from Mardi Gras can be viewed here.

The RVA salutes the New Orleans A&M Club for their service to the RV Company! A long standing tradition, the Club once again welcomed the RVs to "The Crescent City" and hosted a complimentary lunch for the entire Company at the Hard Rock Café in the French Quarter. This highly anticipated gathering between the two groups always wraps up with a little Yell Practice, of course! Also deserving of a salute is the Orange County Aggie Moms Club for treating the RV Company to a hearty breakfast stop along the road en route to New Orleans. Thanks & Gig 'em to the 'Nawlins Aggies and to the Orange County Aggie Moms!

Conroe Go Texan Parade
The Ross Volunteer Company participated in the 55th Annual Go Texan Parade in Conroe on February 22, 2020. The RVA salutes the Montgomery County A&M Club for sharing their Aggie hospitality by hosting the Ross Volunteer Company for lunch before marching in the parade.

Pictured above are current and former RV Yell Leaders holding a Yell Practice for the Company and the members of the Montgomery County A&M Club before the parade. Additonal photos from the RV performance in the Go Texan Parade can be found here.
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Aggieland Saturday 2020
On February 8, 2020, the Ross Volunteer Company participated in Aggieland Saturday, the biggest open house of the year on campus. Along with the other Corps Special Units, all three RV Platoons performed drill demonstratiions for crowds of interested and enthusiastic prospective students and family members. A big salute to the RV Company for doing their part to showcase all the opportunities the Corps of Cadets has to offer future Aggies!

Additional photos from the RV performance at Aggieland Saturday can be found here.
The Ross Volunteer Association