Spring 2022 Issue

Successful Spring Meeting & Social
The 2022 RVA Spring Meeting & Social was held on Saturday, March 5 with close to 150 former RVs, guests, and current RVs in attendance. The Class of '79 earned bragging rights for having the largest class attendance at 14! Duncan catered a delicious chicken fajita meal, RVA President Mark Johnson '78 provided an enlightening RVA business update, and John Adams '73 shared an insightful history of Lawrence Sullivan Ross to preview his new book, Sul Ross at Texas A&M. A big "Thanks & Gig 'em" to John for being our featured speaker and for signing books! Thanks also to those who purchased a copy of his book to benefit the RVA! To view more photos from the event, click HERE.
Mark your calendars now for the 2022 RVA Fall Meeting & Duncan Brunch on Sunday, November 6 at 10:30am which falls on the same weekend as Rally to the Guidons.

RVA Hosted Houston Social in May
The RVA took a road trip on Thursday, May 26 to host a fun and festive gathering for former and current RVs who live in the Houston metro and surrounding areas. The event was held at Molina's Cantina on Westheimer Road and offered attendees an opportunity for shared camaraderie coupled with delicious food and drink! RVA President Mark Johnson '78 presented a brief business update midway through the evening. Thanks to all who came out to spend time with fellow RVs! Click HERE to view more photos from the event.

RVA to Host San Antonio Social in August
Next stop on the RVA's major Texas city tour will be San Antonio on Thursday, August 25 at "The Original" Aggie Park, home of the San Antonio A&M Club. If you live in or around San Antonio, save the date and make plans to attend! An email invitation will go out in early July to all RVs in our database with a mailing address in San Antonio or one of the surrounding areas. If you don't live in the San Antonio area but want to attend, visit the event page on our website in July or August to register.

Have you Renewed for 2022?
The RVA wishes to thank our loyal donors who have joined or renewed their RVA membership for 2022! If your membership is not current, we ask you to consider a membership gift to the RVA as part of your annual charitable giving. The RVA has embarked on a campaign to grow membership to 750 annual contributors by 2024 and sustain or exceed that on a yearly basis. In 2021 RVA membership reached 584, and it is currently at 451 for 2022. You can check your membership status by logging in to your account on our website at www.rvassociation.org. RVA membership starts at $50 a year, with several membership levels to choose from. You can easily join or renew online, or download a membership form for mailing, using the buttons below.
Join or Renew for 2022
Download PDF Membership Form

RV Class of '23 Leadership Announced
The RV Company's official Change of Command took place at the close of the Family Weekend performance on April 9. The RVA salutes the Class of '22 for a job well done! "Congrats & Gig 'em" to the RVs listed below who were selected to lead the Company for the 2022-2023 school year. (Click image to enlarge.)

Message from Outgoing RV Commander
As the year comes to a close, I just wanted to thank the RVA one last time. I truly mean this when I say that we could not do the things we do without your support. As I pass the reins over to the class of '23, I have full confidence that they will maintain and enhance the legacy of the Ross Volunteer Company. Being selected to lead this prestigious organization has been the biggest honor of my life and I can't adequately describe the impact these people and this organization have had on me. Real Bad!
Ty Sanders '22, RV Commander 2021-2022

Meet the New RV Commander
Howdy! My name is Ryan Odneal and I am both honored and blessed to be selected by my peers to serve as the 2022-2023 Ross Volunteer Company Commander. I am a rising Senior Aerospace Engineering Major from Grapevine, Texas. In the Corps, I call Gator 2 home and served as a squadron platoon sergeant and training sergeant this past year. Within the Ross Volunteer Company, I am a member of the RV Meatball Platoon. I look forward to getting to know and working with the RVA over the course of the next year. Ow Ow!
Ryan Odneal '23, RV Commander 2022-2023
RVs Serve at Campus Muster
Campus Muster was observed in pre-COVID fashion in Reed Arena on the evening of April 21. The entire Ross Volunteer Company was present and served in various roles; the RV Firing Squad performed the traditional 21-gun salute. Shown below is the 2022 Muster poster featuring two Ross Volunteers alongside three fellow Aggies under the sweeping branches of the Centurey Tree.

Family Weekend Features RV Performance
The RV Company performed on the Quad Saturday, April 9, at 12:00pm as part of TAMU Family Weekend. Each platoon demonstrated signature drill manuals and then joined together to execute the infamous Ripple Line drill. A ceremonial Change of Command closed the performance as the RV Class of '22 handed off leadership to the Class of '23.

RV Company Returns to Mardi Gras
Laissez le bon temps rouler! After the cancelation of Mardi Gras 2021, the RV Company made a highly anticipated return to New Orleans in 2022 to continue a more than seven decades old tradition. The Ross Volunteers stepped off at the lead of the Rex Parade on Fat Tuesday, March 1, serving as Honor Guard for the King of Carnival. It was great to see the RV Company carry on this proud legacy of representating the Corps of Cadets and Texas A&M on such a grand scale! A complete album of photos from Mardi Gras can be viewed HERE.

The New Orleans A&M Club once again hosted a complimentary lunch for the entire Company at the Hard Rock Café on Bourban Street. This gathering between the two groups is a highlight of the trip and always wraps up with a little Yell Practice, of course! The Orange County Aggie Moms Club stepped up again to serve a hearty breakfast to the RVs at a roadside stop en route to New Orleans. "Thanks & Gig 'em" to both of these outstanding Clubs for their selfless service to the Ross Volunteer Company!
Gotta' Little History for Ya' RVs!
A Chance Meeting Makes for a Mardi Gras Match
Fred Blumberg '69 formed up with the Ross Volunteer Company the morning of February 27, 1968 in downtown New Orleans and prepared to step off for the Rex Parade. Meanwhile, Sue Melancon and her family set out their lawn chairs along historic St. Charles Avenue . . . .
This Mardi Gras story, submitted by Jim Wilbanks '69, is one for the history books! Click HERE to read the rest of the story about how a chance meeting along the parade route ended up being the Mardi Gras match of a lifetime!

RVs Travel to Conroe for Go Texan Parade
The RV Company traveled to Conroe on Saturday, February 19 to participate in the 57th Annual Go Texan Parade. As is their tradition, the Montgomery County A&M Club hosted the RVs and fed them a delicious lunch before the parade stepped off at 1pm. The RVA salutes the McAggies for their loyal support of the RV Company! To view more photos from the parade, click HERE.

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RVs Impress Aggieland Saturday Crowds
On Saturday, February 12, the Ross Volunteer Company participated in Aggieland Saturday, the biggest open house of the year on campus. This was the first official performance for the RV Class of '23, and in spite of wind, rain, and cold temps, they did not disappoint! The Squat Platoon was first to perform at 10:15am by the 12th Man statue at Kyle. Next, the Tree Platoon performed their drill at 11:45am on Academic Plaza with Sully closely watching. Finally, the Meatball Platoon wowed the crowed at 1:45pm with drill at the Quad Arches. The RV Company earned high marks for doing their part to showcase all the opportunities the Corps of Cadets has to offer future Aggies!

Keep Your RVA Profile Up to Date
Every former and current RV has a profile on the RVA website. Your profile is tied to the same email address this newsletter was sent to. If you haven't logged in yet or can't find your password, please utilize the 'Forgot Password' option from the login screen. We've attached a quick one-pager on how to update your profile and contact information to allow us to reach you better. (Click to enlarge.)

The Ross Volunteer Association