Fall 2022 Issue

2022 RVA Fall Meeting & Brunch
On Sunday, November 6, 130 former and current RVs and guests gathered in Aggieland for the 2022 RVA Fall Meeting & Brunch. For the second time consecutively, the RV Class of '78 earned bragging rights for having the most in attendance with a total of 8! All in attendance enjoyed social time, an RV drill demonstration, a greeting from the new Commandant BG Patrick Michaelis '93, and brunch, followed by a business update from RVA President Mark Johnson '78. Members present affirmed the nomination of Scott Eberhart '74 as President Elect and Bob Foley '69 as Director. Both will begin service in 2023 under the leadership of Mark Johnson '78 who will return for a second year as President. RV Commander Ryan Odneal '23 gave a briefing on RV Company activities and General Joe Ashy '62 (USAF ret.) shared a motivating message as guest speaker. We ended the meeting with door prizes and a pre-tour talk on Aggie Park by Association VP Marty Holmes '87. After the meeting adjourned Marty gave a fun and informative tour of Aggie Park to an interested group of 36 current and former RVs. For a complete album of event photos, click HERE.

RV Company Fall Drill Competition Results

The 2022 RV Company Fall Drill Comp was held on Monday, November 21. The Squat Platoon took first place and was presented with the coveted championship trophy! The Trees came in second and the Meatballs placed third. Congrats & Gig 'em to the entire RV Company for a successful competition despite inclement weather challenges, and a big "Ah-Ha" shout out to the Fall Drill Comp champions! Check out more photos HERE.

(Click HERE to View a Calendar of Upcoming RV Company Events)
Time to Renew RVA Membership for 2023
The RVA wishes to thank our loyal members who made a contribution to the RVA in 2022. As a reminder, RVA membership is based on the calendar year, so current memberships will expire on December 31, 2022. You should soon receive the annual membership renewal letter in your mailbox. If you have yet to become a member, or your membership has lapsed, we ask you to consider a 2023 membership gift to the RVA as part of your annual charitable giving. You can check your membership status by logging in to your account on our website at www.rvassociation.org. RVA membership starts at $50 a year, with several membership levels to choose from. You can join or renew online, or download a membership form for mailing, using the buttons below. A new AUTO RENEW feature is now available on the RVA website. Click HERE for a detailed explanation on how this function works and how to enable auto renew next time you join or renew your RVA membership online.
Join or Renew for 2023
Download PDF Membership Form
Your RVA Membership Dollars at Work
The following financial data was shared during the 2022 RVA Fall Meeting on November 6. This data shows how your membership contributions are directed and allocated in support of the RV Company and the Ross Volunteer Association. In both graphs, the numbers represent the cumulative dollar amounts, and the associated cumulative percentages, allocated by category for all contributions made to the RVA since its inception in October 2010. Your donations are extremely impactful and your loyal support is greatly appreciated!

RV Company is Accepting Saber Donations
There are several positions within the Ross Volunteer Company in need of a dedicated drill saber for use in parades and events. The RV Company would be honored to preserve your "Ol' Army" saber for generations to come as either a pass-down saber for a drilling Zip position, or as a dedicated event saber that Ross Volunteers can use when they are serving the University and State throughout the year. If you have a saber you are interested in donating, please email the Class of '23 RV Historian Matthew Marlborough at mattmar74@gmail.com. A letter documenting your donation will be provided for tax purposes.
Class of 2024 RV Weapons Run
On Monday, October 3 the newly inducted RVs from the Class of '24 did a little running, along with various other forms of motivational PT, to earn their ascots and weapons. Pictures tell this story best so click on the photo below to view an album from the 2022 Weapons Run.

RV Company Induction Banquet
The Induction Banquet for the RV Class of 2024 was held on Monday, September 26, 2022. CCA President and CEO Bruce Hamilton '78 served as guest speaker. RV Commander Ryan Odneal '23 and his staff administered the RV oath and presented certificates and cords to each inductee. Members of the RVA were present to welcome these new RVs and proudly support them in their pledge to serve and represent the Corps of Cadets and the University in an exceptional manner. Click HERE to view more photos from the event.

San Antonio Shows Up Big for RVA Social

The RVA took a road trip on August 25 to host a social for RVs in the San Antonio and surrounding area. An impressive crowd of 93 RVs and guests showed up at Aggie Park (home of the San Antonio A&M Club) to share an evening of good bull and camaraderie over dinner and drinks. RVA President Mark Johnson '78 updated attendees on the business of the RVA and then presented plaques and lapel pins to two new RVA Life Members (Jerrianne Richter accepting in memory of her late husband Tom Richter '72, and Johnny Lane '79). We were very fortunate to have RV Commander Ryan Odneal '23 make the trip from Aggieland to join us! To wrap up the evening, author, historian, master story teller, and former RV John Adams '73 enlightened and entertained the audience with tales of Lawrence Sullivan Ross. We just so happened to have 4 former Yell Leaders in the house (Jake Betty '73, Charlie Scott '75, Brandon Neff '99, and Jeff Bailey '00) who got us motivated for Aggie football with a mini BTHO Sam Houston State Yell Practice! For a complete album of event photos, click HERE.

Update Your RVA Website Profile
Every former and current RV has a profile on our RVA website. Your profile is tied to the same email this newsletter was sent to. If you have never logged in to your RVA website account, or can't find your password, please utilize the Forgot Password option at the login screen. Below is a tutorial page on how to login and keep your contact information current in our database. Click on the image to enlarge.

Consider a QCD to Satisfy Your RMD

When you reach age 72 (or 70½ if you turned 70½ before 2020), you‘ll have to start taking a required minimum distribution (RMD) annually from your retirement accounts. If you‘re not itemizing your deductions and you're at RMD age, you may want to consider donating your RMD directly to a qualified charity, such as the RVA, through a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). It'll satisfy your RMD and—up to $100,000 annually—won't count as taxable income. If this situation applies to you, a QCD could be a great way to become an RVA Life Member or make your annual membership donation to the RVA. A financial advisor can help you figure out if this approach works for you.
Gotta' Little History for Ya', RVs!
To help us reach into the archives and bring some stories from our RV past into the present, RVA member James Willbanks '69 has written the article below on the historic Honor Guard role of the Ross Volunteer Company.

RV Company as VIP Honor Guard
Since its establishment, the Ross Volunteer Company has served as the honor guard for the governor of Texas and acts as the official escort for the inauguration of the governor every four years. However, the honor guard role has been expanded over time. From time to time, the Company has been called on to participate at other special events both inside and outside the state . . . . [read more]
It's the Season of Gifting!
Visit the RVA Store online and add your favorite RVA apparel items to your holiday wish list, or treat yourself to the perfect gift! Orders can be shipped directly to you, or if you live in the Bryan/College Station area choose "local pick up" to eliminate shipping fees. Click on the "SHOP NOW" button below to start your list!

The Ross Volunteer Association