Spring/Summer 2023 Issue

RVA Adds Wine Tasting to Spring Event
This year's Spring Event featured not only a Lunch Meeting & Social in Duncan on Saturday April 1, but also a Wine Tasting Social at Messina Hof in Bryan on the Friday evening prior. A hotel block at a special discounted rate was arranged for the weekend at the Texas A&M Hotel on campus. These enhanced offerings made for an extremely enjoyable and memorable gathering of over 80 current and former RVs and guests. During the Saturday lunch, RVA President Mark Johnson '78 presented a plaque and lapel pin to new RVA Life Member, Doug (Vasilchin) Kennedy '69. RV Commander Ryan Odneal '23 was present to accept a saber donated for use by the Company from Alan Robinson '78. This successful saber donation initiative was established last summer under Ryan's leadership to ensure the availability of pass down sabers for all senior RV staff positions. Speaking of donations, RVA Saber & Sash Society member Mark Mohr '78 graciously donated his RV bronze recognition statue to benefit the RVA, making it available for future Saber & Sash Society donors. A final highlight of the lunch event was an engaging message from former RV Bruce Hamilton '78, President and CEO of the Corps of Cadets Association. Coincidentally, the Class of '78 won bragging rights for having the highest attendance at the event, no foolin'! "Thanks & Gig 'em" to Bruce for serving as guest speaker, and to all who attended this annual RVA gathering. To view a photo album from the event, click HERE.
RVA Fall Event Planned for October 29
SAVE THE DATE! Plan to join us for the 2023 RVA Fall Meeting & Lunch at Duncan on Sunday, October 29 from 11am to 2pm. This date has been conveniently coordinated on the same weekend as Rally to the Guidons and the South Carolina football game. Registration will open in September.

RVA Hosted Austin Social in May
Thank you to all the former RVs and guests who joined us on May 17 for the RVA Austin Social at Mandola's Italian Kitchen. Attendees enjoyed meeting and reconnecting with fellow RVs, sharing a meal, and getting an update on how the RVA is supporting the RV Company and serving its members. The class years represented by those in attendance spanned seven decades from 1954 (Leo Mueller '54) to 2019 (William Dabney '19)! Now that's GOOD BULL! Click HERE to view more photos from the event.

RVA to Host Fort Worth Social in August
Next up on the RVA's major Texas city tour will be Fort Worth on Saturday, August 5 from 11am to 1pm at the Texas A&M University School of Law. If you live in or around Forth Worth or Dallas, add this date to your calendar and make plans to attend! An email invitation will go out the last week of June to all RVs in our database with a D/FW area mailing address on record. If you don't live in the D/FW area but want to join us, you are welcome to visit the Fort Worth Social page on website to sign up. Registration is now open!

Have you Renewed for 2023?
We are grateful to our loyal members for their generous contributions to the RVA in 2022. The 2022 RVA Donation Publication List has been compiled and can be viewed on our website. We also appreciate all those who have already joined or renewed their RVA membership for 2023. If your membership is not current, we ask you to consider a membership gift to the RVA as part of your annual charitable giving.
The RVA has embarked on a campaign to grow membership to 750 annual contributors and sustain or exceed that on a yearly basis. In 2022 RVA membership reached 552. Our growth goal for 2023 is 702 members and we are currently at 508. To check your membership status, log in to your account at www.rvassociation.org. For inquiries regarding your membership status, please send an email to RVA Membership Chair Noel Bradford '89 at rva@corpsofcadets.org.
RVA membership starts at $50 a year, with several membership levels to choose from. Life Membership is the highest level and can be attained with a donation of $5,000 made over a 5 year period. RVA membership donations are tax deductible and eligible for matching gifts. You can easily join or renew online, or download a membership form for mailing, using the buttons below. To put your membership on "auto pilot" select the auto renew feature when joining or renewing online.
Join or Renew for 2023
Download PDF Membership Form

In Memory/In Honor Gifts to the RVA
In Memory Gifts are a meaningful way to memorialize someone special who has passed away. In Honor Gifts acknowledge the important people in your life and are often given on special occasions such as a friend’s or relative’s birthday, graduation, anniversary, or for a holiday. Honor Gifts are also appropriate to simply show appreciation for someone’s kindness, or to recognize their impact on your life or the group in which you are a member.
When a Memorial or Honor Gift is received by the RVA, a letter is sent to the donor(s) to acknowledge the gift and serve as a receipt for tax purposes. In addition, the RVA will send a notification to any person(s) the donor indicates should receive an acknowledgement letter. This may include the family of the deceased or the person being honored. The amount of the gift is not revealed to the family/honoree. You may send your Memorial or Honor Gift by mail or make it online. Click HERE for more information and instructions on making this type of gift to the RVA.
Is Your RVA Online Profile Up To Date?
Every former and current RV has a profile on the RVA website. Your profile is tied to the same email address this newsletter was sent to. That email address is also your username. If you haven't logged in to your account recently and can't remember your password, please utilize the 'Forgot Password' option from the login screen. The graphic below provides easy to follow instructions on how to update your profile and contact information online. Please help us improve our communication efforts by ensuring your mailing address, phone number, and email address are up to date in our records. (Click on image to enlarge.)

New RV Company Leadership Announced
The RV Company's official Change of Command took place at the close of the Family Weekend performance on April 15. The RVA salutes the Class of '23 for a job well done! Congratulations to the RVs listed below who will lead the Company for the 2023-2024 school year. (Click image to enlarge.)

RVs Return to San Antonio for Fiesta Parade
VIVA FIESTA! The Ross Volunteer Company, along with the Aggie Band, FDT, and PMC repped A&M in stellar fashion in the Battle of Flowers Parade on Friday, April 28. The last time our Aggie Corps contingent participated in this San Antonio Fiesta parade was in April 2019 (pre-COVID), so it was a fun "first" for all the cadets. The cost of bus transportation to San Antonio is one of the operating expenses paid for from the RVA's annual $20,000 contribution to the Company. Your annual membership donations make this funding possible, so "Thanks & Gig 'em" to you! The RVA also thanks the San Antonio A&M Club and the San Antonio Aggie Moms' Club for providing lunch and desserts to the cadets after the parade. A few photos from the parade, to include one of Commandant BG Michaelis riding with the Cav, appear below. To view the complete album of parade photos, click HERE.

RVs Featured During Family Weekend
The Ross Volunteer Company treated the Family Weekend crowd to an exceptional performance on Saturday, April 15. The sun was shining brightly as each of the three platoons demonstrated their unique drill manuals followed by the execution of the highly anticipated Ripple Line. (You can view a video of the Ripple Line on the RVA Facebook page.) A ceremonial Change of Command completed the program with the Class of 2023 handing over leadership to the Class of 2024.

RVs Carry On Mardi Gras Tradition
For over 70 years, the RV Company has traveled to New Orleans for Mardi Gras to represent Texas A&M in the Rex Parade. The weather was unusually warm and muggy this year on Fat Tuesday, February 21 as the Ross Volunteer Company stepped off to serve as Honor Guard for the King of Carnival. A sampling of photos from Mardi Gras can be viewed HERE.
Your membership donations to the RVA help provide funding for transportation and lodging expenses for this annual RV Company trip to New Orleans! Special thanks to the Orange County Aggie Moms' Club for providing the Ross Volunteer Company with warm hospitality and a hearty breakfast while en route to New Orleans. Our appreciation also goes out to the New Orleans A&M Club for welcoming the Ross Volunteer Company to the Crescent City and sponsoring a Mardi Gras lunch for them on Bourbon Street. Club President Paul Schott '86 provided this video of the RVs "rocking" the Hard Rock Cafe with a little Yell Practice! The RVA salutes the NOLA Aggie Club for generously upholding this impressive tradition since 1951. Laissez le bon temps rouler!

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RVs Wow Aggieland Saturday Crowds
On Saturday, February 11, the RV Company performed at various locations across campus for Aggieland Saturday. Each platoon demonstrated their unique percision drill for crowds of visiting prospective students and their families. These visitors got a bonus opportunity to view an early debut of the RV Ripple Line (historically not officially performed until Familiy Weekend in April). Congrats to the Company on representing the Corps and the University at this campus-wide open house in an outstanding manner. View more Aggieland Saturday photos HERE.

RVs Participate in Governor's Inauguration
Serving as Honor Guard to the Governor of the State of Texas, representatives from the Ross Volunteer Company traveled to Austin on Tuesday, January 17 to participate in Inauguration Day events. Photos below (source: KSAT 12) show RVs providing a ceremonial saber arch on the Capitol's north steps as Greg Abbott is sworn-in for his third four-year term as governor.

The Ross Volunteer Association